Discovering an abbey: the example of Charroux

This visit is an opportunity for students to discover and understand the many facets of monk life in medieval society. With its remarkable sculptural program and well-preserved archaeological and liturgical objects, the abbey offers students a window onto monastic life in its medieval architectural setting. The long history of Charroux Abbey provides an insight into the evolution of the site through the events that marked the life of the building and its religious community over more than a thousand years. Adapted visit - 1H00.

vue aérienne de l'abbaye, sa tour, son cloître et le bâtiment conventuel
  • 90 euros per group of 35 students.

  • 1h

  • CP, CE1, CE2.

  • 35

En images


  • Lire le règlement de visite

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Cycle 2

Retrouvez toutes nos activités pour vos classes du cycle 2. Ces activités sont adaptées aux classes de CP, CE1 et CE2.