The great architects: columns, arches and vaults

This workshop introduces students to several emblematic elements of medieval architecture: columns, arches and vaults. Using cut-and-paste elements representing the constituent parts of these structures, students can reassemble the entire system to understand how it works and the importance of each element in relation to the others. The examples they have in front of them and the models of arches and vaults they can also make will bring the workshop session to a close, giving concrete form to the workings of this architectural ensemble. Workshop - 1H30.

La tour lanterne éclairée de nuit
  • 130 euros per group of 35 students.

  • 1h30

  • CP, CE1, CE2.

  • 35

  • Reservation


Discover the history of the château in the 16th century: who built it? What was the political and historical context in which it was built? What was daily life like there?

Pedagogical action

Discovery trail. Students follow a...

Discovery tour.


Architecture and urban planning


Learn more about French history

Renaissance castle architecture

Cycle 2

Retrouvez toutes nos activités pour vos classes du cycle 2. Ces activités sont adaptées aux classes de CP, CE1 et CE2.